Actor training video demonstration

In the video we decided to portray our understanding of the trust building game. In the game we were put into a pair, and in the pair we had to demonstrate 2 roles (navigator and follower). The navigator's role was to navigate the follower through obstacles (set by our teacher, in order to make the game more interesting) and other people, to take the follower through the safe route. 

Through this game activity we built self confidence, and developed better trust bonds with our partner. This 'skill' of trust is essential in drama because you are able to rely and have faith in your partner during a course work. This activity made us have a stronger bond and relationship, because we were able to put our trust into someone else's hands. After the activity we had a better communication skill, as we were able to control and navigate our pair without actually seeing the route (since the follower had their eyes closed). 


  1. You have explained the activity well and given reasons for its purpose and aim. You could have also developed your explanation for the relevance of this activity for an actor in training. The video was also supposed to include a demonstration of the game itself. 6/8 Criteria A.


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