Script Annotation
Blue: Voice delivery (Volume, rate, pitch, pauses, pronunciation, dialect) Pink: Actions and gestures Purple: Sounds and Lighting Orange: Props needed in the scene (and how they will be used) Green: Character Positions Yellow: Stage directions When we started creating the play, we decided to work on the epilogue. We wanted to show the audience main, key aspects of Martin's life, through flashbacks, and other drama techniques. Script during initial stage: Initially we had only jotted down some key scenes we wanted to include in the play, however we had still not devised the dialogues, entrances and exits, stage directions, make up, costumes, voice dialect, voice delivery, or actions or gestures yet. This is the edited script: CENTER STAGE Narrative Martin, Mark and Natalie sitting together. Narrative Martin: It was a time like no other, something was lost, something was found. I changed - inside and out. I grew. yeah… this was the story ...
A very creative approach to this task that demonstrates a strong understanding and knowledge of the plot and characters of 'Face'. I really like that you have not chosen an obvious image for this and have tried to entice the audience by posing questions and leaving things unanswered. Your synopsis picks out the key information necessary and is appropriately concise. Well done. 7/8 Criteria A.