Rich and Poor contrast - Freeze Frames

Freeze Frame Picture of the Poor:

In this picture we are all pretending to be from poor class. In the picture we are all begging and praying for someone to help us, to give us something to eat, a place to stay (Shelter). As shown in the picture Ritik, on the right side of the picture is on the streets praying for help as well as Emily who is also praying to god. The girl laying on the floor is Aizah, she is meant to represent that she is extremely upset and hasn't gotten anything to eat for days now... Next to her is Ghassan who is crying and scared about what will happen next. On top of the bench is me (Muskan), the bench represents the pavement which is at a higher level than the streets where everyone else is in the picture. I have my head against the wall and I am depressed at our situation and our lifestyle. I think that this still image was effective as it depicted the right type of image we tried to portray. I feel that everyone's expressions depicted the right emotion, that allowed the still picture to turn out well. Looking at the picture itself without the description you can make out some of the aspects of the picture. Such as, you can tell who are crying, sad, begging/praying. Although, people will not be able to go into the detail thought during the still image was being chosen, such as things like we have not eaten for days.
I think another good thing about this scene is that we all took are role seriously and depicted a realistic scene. We kept are emotions realistic throughout our freeze frame/still image. I think that realistically our picture has played its part to depict the poor very well. One thing we could have improved was our use of space, next time we can try to spread ourselves to create a bigger impact for the audience. 

Freeze Frame Picture of the Rich and Poor - Contrast:

In this freeze frame we are trying to show a contrast of rich and poor class through a still image/freeze frame. In this picture we have tried to show that we are in a restaurant. In this picture Aizah is the waiter standing in the corner with a dish plate in her hand, she is waiting for the customers to move so that she can place the dish, she is shown with the emotion that she is tired and upset of the job but is trying her best to stay happy. In this picture Ghassan sitting on the bench left side, is a rich customer who is checking his phone for any business calls. On the other side of the bench is Emily, who is a rich customer as well and she is putting mascara on her eyes. On the floor there is Ritik who is begging for food or some money. During the still image we had many ideas to continue the scene for example to show what the rich class will do, for example they could throw money on the beggar's face or just ignore him, like shown in the picture. I think that this still image was effective but had some flaws, as it is hard to tell each person's role in the picture. For example, it is hard to tell what Emily is doing to her eyes, and it is not clear what Aizah's role in this still image is. Looking at the picture I feel that the emotions were not strong enough to communicate well with the audience. I feel this still image was quite realistic and effective because it depicts the actual behaviour of wealthier people in the society nowadays. Next time I would like to do the same image with more people in our group so that we can make the scene more realistic, as we can use the other members of the group as rich customers sitting in the restaurant. 

Freeze Frame Picture of the Rich and Poor - Contrast:

In this freeze frame/still image it is showing another contrast of rich and poor class. In this image Emily on the left side is a rich mother who is holding her child's hand (Aizah). In the image we can see that Aizah or in this case the child is pointing towards the pencil case, which is meant to be shown as an expensive object. In front of them is Ghassan who is a beggar, and is begging them for some money. I think that this image depicted exactly what we were aiming for, and projected the rich and poor contrast in the process. I feel that everyone had the right emotion and position in the picture.
I think that this scene was shown very effectively as it shows what happens in our society nowadays, even though the rich have a large amount of money they do not want to spend on those who need it the most like charities or the poor who unfortunetly cannot afford things like the rich can. Instead they prefer spending for themselves (Example: Expensive jewelry, makeup, etc.) The thing that we could change for next time could be emphasizing the pencil case more, as it does not look like an important part of the picture. 


  1. For this task you are demonstrating your knowledge and understanding of both the theme of social divide and also your competent use of still images to communicate to an audience. I can see from the photos that you have understood the task clearly and your freeze frames have been used effectively with consideration of levels and space. Your descriptions are very detailed and thoughtful, particularly for the first two parts of the questions. You have explained the practical choices you all made and tied in what this expresses about the given theme of poverty. To get a higher grade you just need to develop your evaluative comments further at times by being more specific about the improvements you coould make. This is outstanding. 7/8 Criteria A


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