
Showing posts from 2016

Set Design Notes

Drama - Set Design Expressionistic or Symbolic or Minimalistic What mood is created by the designs? 1. Symbolic - Not Realistic Always being watched 2. Perspective - big sun Sunset on East Africa Calm and peaceful mood Makes you feel small... Nature is bigger 3. Scary - trees looming above the walls Winter feeling (cold atmosphere) Ghost, sinister Central focus - Black Window Contrast between colors (red, black) 4. Lot of light Ship - levels Lights - stars Action 5. Small performance space Warm and cozy Color scheme - welcoming - red England or US Wealthy house ornaments 6. Frozen Extremely Simplistic Cloth hanging down at the back Blue color scheme - Frozen Symbolic Simple - looking at ONLY key themes Musical Open space 7. 1940s - type of furniture, Corner - focus section Poverty - small edge, cramped Green - envy Naturalistic style - but not natural 8. Urban location New York - stairs, trolley Water or reflection - symbolic Smaller than o

Train Surfing - Final Performance Video

Train Surfing Final Performance In the first scene we have tried to convey marking the moment, although we were unable to correctly as we did not stop for a minute to create silence to intensify our act. Then, the police officer (me), changes the role to the teenager who goes to save the injured train surfer (who we showed in the previous scene, who had fell off the train). I am then calling for help (using a telephone booth), to show how the society in the favelas is substandard. Then I rush to my uncle (Aizah), and I have to explain myself. (This scene is for around 2-3 minutes to show a clear understanding for the audience). Then we had a new medium that we used, which was a flash back, showing how the uncle had made a mistake of train surfing when he was younger and he doesn't want the same thing to happen to his nephew. Next there is a scene of a gang, who spots me on the street, and one person from the gang is the injured train surfer who I had saved previously. Th

Train Surfing Unit Reflection

For our last performance assessment piece we choose 4-5 people for each group, in order to construct a drama piece related to the story we have looked at so far. The main aim for our performance project was to create a story revolving around the past few lessons that we have looked at on train surfing - and different performances we have done. We had to think critically and creatively to come to a unique idea to show case our peers on this unit - Train surfing. It was important for each group to show case their drama skills through different mediums such as: facial expressions, volume of voice, space, levels. Also, in order to create a more realistic performance piece we all were encouraged to bring in props and costumes to suit our performance, to create a more engaging act for the audience. Each group was asked to create a performance piece which included at least one drama medium such as: Marking the moment, thought tracking, cross cutting, freeze frame and hot seating. On t

Train scene - Act 2

Teenager and Uncle Argument In class we talked about how to create a good piece of drama act. On Tuesday's drama lesson we all started with a warm up exercise that helped us improve our performances. We were all asked to sit in a circle, and then we were given different scenarios which had different emotions being conveyed. Although, we had to act out the given emotion or scenario without talking, only with the use of facial expressions, to convey our emotion. This helped bring out depth to our drama performance piece, as it helped us convey different emotions with a more sightful meaning to it. Also, this made our task of acting a lot easier as it gave some practice to us. Our scenario was to continue our train surfer scene. In the previous act we looked at a train surfer who is getting late to reach home, and on the way meets another train surfer who is injured. They are unsure at first but they decide to help them, and this causes even more delay for them to reach home. At hom

Marking the Moment

In class lesson overview: In class for the past few lessons we have looked at creating a realistic and believable drama piece/act. We have started to look at people in Rio, Brazil. We have looked at the rich and poor contrast there is in one city. For example there could be people living in big houses in a safe society with a good job and income, whereas in the same city there would be people living in horrible conditions, and their income would be difficult to manage their family. In class we looked at the different aspects that force or persuade someone to move to a different city. We have started to look at Rural to Urban living. Many people living in rural cities/town would have such factors forcing them to move to an urban city/town. Rural is the countryside and Urban is the city side.  Many people may want to move to an urban city because of the number of pull factors it has. many people choose to go to urban cities in search for a better lifestyle, and a better job to

Rich and Poor contrast - Freeze Frames

Freeze Frame Picture of the Poor: In this picture we are all pretending to be from poor class. In the picture we are all begging and praying for someone to help us, to give us something to eat, a place to stay (Shelter). As shown in the picture Ritik, on the right side of the picture is on the streets praying for help as well as Emily who is also praying to god. The girl laying on the floor is Aizah, she is meant to represent that she is extremely upset and hasn't gotten anything to eat for days now... Next to her is Ghassan who is crying and scared about what will happen next. On top of the bench is me (Muskan), the bench represents the pavement which is at a higher level than the streets where everyone else is in the picture. I have my head against the wall and I am depressed at our situation and our lifestyle. I think that this still image was effective as it depicted the right type of image we tried to portray. I feel that everyone's expressions depicted the right