
Showing posts from January, 2017

Opening of 'Face' the play

Street Voices Performance Pictures:  What do you know about this play's setting of East London? How would you describe it?  In our first lesson discussing 'face the play' we started off by watching videos of East London's culture, heritage, and languages. The video we watched portrayed two people talking in cockney (a widely spoken dialect of English in the East London). This video was shown to us to build a greater level of understanding about the city life in East London, and it is very important to understand what type of background, place, society the actor comes from. This helps us take the role of the character much more efficiently. After watching the video we spent quite some time in lesson discussing about East London, and some of us shared some interesting facts and ideas on East London. When we were first introduced to the play 'face', we were given the script and told to start the play using the knowledge we have gained through